Have you recently joined and want to get involved?

Join A LIFE Group

LIFE Groups are a great way to meet new people at Antioch and draw closer to God with a small group of believers who love Jesus and want to grow in their faith. We have groups that meet based on age, gender, and time. Check us out! 


Join us for our seasonal Sunday night discipleship training at ABC! We go deeper on subjects that will help you grow as a believer and be equipped to live out your faith in every day life. 

Give Online

We believe in Radical Generosity at Antioch. We want every member to be contributing to the work that God is doing. We contribute through giving our time, talent, and also our treasure. Faithfulness in giving is a crucial part of our spiritual growth. 

Serving opportunities

Reach out to us if a service opportunity below seems to fit you!

Worship Choir
Our Choir is always looking for new singers. They practice each Wednesday at 6:45 PM.
Hi-Five Ministry
Our Hi-Five team works to make our guests feel welcome in parking, greeting, guest relations, and taking next steps. These volunteers serve on Sunday a month.
Kids Min Volunteers
Antioch Kids Ministry is looking for volunteers to help teach our children about Jesus Christ. Volunteers serve once a month and must pass a background check and complete training for service.
Antioch Host Team
Our Host Team works hard each week to feed our church family during our Wednesday night supper. They also help serve during various events throughout the year.
Love Out Loud
Our Love Out Loud teams meet each Wednesday from 6:30 until 8PM. They minister to our community through acts of kindness, outreach, and member care.
We are always looking for members who have skills in the area of sound engineering, live stream production, and technology.

What are your spiritual gifts? 

Discovering how God has gifted you is a big step in finding out where you can plug in. 

How important are Spiritual Gifts? How can I tell the difference between a Spiritual Gift and a
"talent?" Does every Believer have a Spiritual Gift? How can I discover and use my Spiritual
Gift? We can help you answer these (and many other) questions through a Bible Study we are
offering/Manual we have available)! Interested? Contact Pastor Rick!

(1) PROPHECY = The ability to receive and to communicate an immediate message of God through divinely anointed words. This person is motivated to declare the heart throb of God to His church for the purposes of comfort, admonition, guidance, edification, encouragement, warning, or judgment.

(2) SERVICE (also: "ministering," "helps," "ministry") = The ability to identify the unmet needs involved in a task related to God's work, and to make use of available resources to meet those needs and help accomplish the desired goals. This person is motivated to demonstrate God's love by meeting practical needs.

(3) TEACHING = The ability to communicate information relevant to the health and ministry of the Body and its members in such a way that others will learn. This person is motivated to clarify and validate God's truth.

(4) EXHORTATION (also: "encouraging") = The ability to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement, and counsel to other members of the Body in such a way that they feel helped and healed. This person is motivated to come alongside to strengthen, steady, and reassure.

(5) GIVING (also: "imparts," "contributing to the needs of others") = The ability to contribute material and financial resources to the work of the Lord with liberality and cheerfulness. This person is motivated to entrust his personal assets to others (whether out of abundance or out of sacrifice) for the furtherance of a kingdom-focused ministry.

(6) LEADERSHIP (also: "ruling," "administration," "government") = The ability to set goals in accordance with God's purpose for the future, and to communicate these goals to others in such a way that they voluntarily and harmoniously work together to accomplish those goals. This person is motivated to lovingly and diligently coordinate the activities of others.

(7) MERCY (also: "showing mercy") = The ability to feel genuine empathy and compassion for individuals (both saved and unsaved) who are suffering with physical or emotional problems, and to translate that compassion into cheerfully-done deeds that reflect Jesus' love. This person is motivated to identify with and to comfort those who are in distress, in ways that alleviate the suffering.

Deacon Ministry

Our deacons exist to assist members of Antioch Baptist Church in growing as mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Our deacon-family ministry connects these servants with families of our church based on last name. Find out who your deacon is by clicking the link below!