Our Story

Our Purpose

Get to know more about what makes us different.

At Antioch, we say that we exist to Love God, Love Each Other, and Love Our World. We often describe this by saying that we want every member to go UP, IN, and OUT. It first begins with our relationship with God. We love Him with all of our hearts. Then, we engage with our church family and find true community with other believers. Finally, we go out into our world and we engage those who don't yet know Jesus and tell them about His great love. 

Our Passions 

Get to know more about what makes us different.

At Antioch, we have six core values that we often call Passions. We call them passions because they are things that we want to be passionate about as a church. They form our DNA as a body of believers.

Biblical Authority: We want everything we do to be centered on the Word of God. It is our only source of truth and direction. We desire to be faithful to all the Scripture teaches. 
Power of Prayer: 
We believe prayer is the greatest weapon God has given us in seeking His will, moving His heart, and waging spiritual warfare against darkness.
Radical Generosity: 
We want to be faithful stewards of everything God gives us. Not only our money, but also our gifts, talents, and time are to be used for the glory of God.
Pursuing Unity: 
The early church was characterized by a love for one another. We desire to set aside our differences and come together to see God's kingdom advance in the world.
Making Bold Moves: 
We know that being faithful to God requires us to take bold steps and be willing to do whatever God tells us and do whatever He leads us.
Kingdom Mentality: 
We were placed on this earth to advance God's kingdom. We are to pray daily "your kingdom come". God wants us to preach the kingdom of God everywhere we go!  We desire to make a difference in our city, county, and the world.

Our History

Get to know more about what makes us different.

Antioch's roots go back to 1817, with a rich history of pastors faithfully preaching the Word of God, and saints serving others. While we strive to honor our heritage in faithful service to our Lord, we also seek to move forward in obedience.
As we serve to bring others into the Kingdom, we are renovating our buildings to allow the growth we believe will result from buying into the vision God has laid upon our pastoral staff. Much of the labor is being done by our members, as we strive to be good stewards of His blessings.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30 or 11 AM.